To watch over one's mouth and tongue is to keep out of trouble.
Lately, Debbie has been undergoing a lot of changes in her body, and getting a lot of attention from boys. Most of them are really nice! In fact, one of them even invited her to a family dinner--where he cooked! He burnt the pot roast, but that was okay. Debbie had never tasted anything sweeter.
There's been a lot of pressure recently for Debbie to give in, and have sex. She's heard there are other ways to do it and keep her virginity--you can probably name a few-- but don't those sound like cheating? Are they really okay?
When Debbie prayed about it, she found her way to Psalms 21:23, To watch over one's mouth and tongue is to keep out of trouble. She knew then that in God's eyes, oral sex is still sex. After all, a burnt pot roast is still a pot roast, right?
Take a minute to pray about the times you've been tempted to sneak around God's wishes.